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The notice must be included in major domestic building contracts in substantially the same form or to the same effect as follows: Notice pursuant to Section 31(n) Cooling off period Notice to Building Owner: You may end this contract within five clear business days after receipt by you of a signed copy of the contract by filling in the notice below and giving it to the builder in one of the following ways: Personally Leaving it at his or her address set out in the contract with a person who appears to be at least 16 years old Sending it by pre-paid certified mail to the address set out in this contract Sending it by facsimile to the facsimile number (if any) set out in this contract. Notice that contract has ended A Building Owner cannot withdraw from a contract under the Act if: The Builder and the Building Owner have previously entered into a major domestic building contract that is in substantially the same terms for the carrying out of the work in relation to the same home or land; OR The Building Owner received independent legal advice from a practicing solicitor concerning the contract before entering into the contract. To(Builder)I/Wegive notice under our contract with you that the contract is ended. Please refund the deposit less $100 and any out of pocket expenses incurred by you which I have previously approved.Building Owners signature:Date: / / 20      HYPERLINK "http://www.consumer.vic.gov.au/renting" consumer.vic.gov.au/buildingindustry Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 1  %JKU  4 c  < C L Z z   ilȺjhRShX,CJUaJhjhU h h#w hkkh Hh h.ph 5hkkh 5 hkkhhhRS hRSh hRSh hkkh <%K\ 5 8 ?$Ifgd>g$9 & FT^Tedq7~Egd H " & Fedq7~Egd.p9edq7~Egd H9edq7~Egd.pedq7~Egd?edq7~Egd edq7~Egdedq7~EgdRSedq7~EgdRS ?$Ifgd>g$okd$$Ifedq7~ElF7FH( t6    44 laitq7~Eyt H kXO ?$Ifgd>g$kd$$Ifedq7~ElF7FH( t06    44 laitq7~Epyt klI\kd$$Ifedq7~El0 H(  t644 laitq7~Eyt ?$Ifgd>g$Pkdx$$Ifedq7~ElH(( t644 laitq7~Ep yt phffffffff?edq7~EgdQ/kdU$$Ifedq7~El0 F  t0644 laitq7~Epyt  !"&'23456789:;<plha h h#whhX,"j+hd5B*U\^JphjhRShX,CJUaJhd5CJ\aJh5CJ\aJmHnHuhRShX,5CJ\aJ#jhRShX,5CJU\aJhlCJaJjhRShX,CJUaJ#jhRShX,CJUaJhRShX,CJaJ9:;<?edq7~EgdQ/  %'gdd61h/R :p ". 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