
Residential Tenancies Amendment (Long-term Tenancy Agreements) Act 2018 - Legislation update

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1 February 2019
Legislation updates

The Residential Tenancies Amendment (Long-term Tenancy Agreements) Act 2018 commences today.

This new legislation amends the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (RTA) to apply to all fixed-term tenancy agreements, regardless of how long they are. Previously, the RTA only applied to tenancy agreements of five years or less.

The amended law will apply to leases signed from today.

A specific agreement for long-term leases of more than five years will be prescribed by regulations. It will include added benefits and protections for landlords and tenants.

In the meantime, people wishing to enter a long-term lease can use the existing Residential tenancy agreement (Word, 1.5MB).

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