Frankston Car City Pty Ltd - Court action

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5 October 2012
Court actions

Melbourne Magistrates’ Court has granted interlocutory orders stopping an unlicensed motor car trader from operating in Frankston until the final hearing of the matter or they are licensed.

The Director of Consumer Affairs ÌÒÉ«ÊÓƵ took legal action against Frankston Car City Pty Ltd and its sole director and shareholder Liron Serbi after becoming aware that they  were operating as  unlicensed motor car traders from premises in Frankston.

Enquiries revealed that the company and Mr Serbi were using the unregistered business name Frankston Car City and quoting two LMCT numbers assigned to other licensed traders not conducting business from the Frankston premises or with the company and Mr Smith.

On 20 September, 2012, the court granted interlocutory orders including:

  • injunctions restraining the company from trading in motor cars until licensed under the Motor Car Traders Act 1986 
  • injunctions restraining the company from representing itself as permitted to trade in motor cars
  • corrective advertising orders requiring the company to publish notices at its business premises and on its website, informing the public that it was not permitted to trade in motor cars
  • the removal from the company’s website of all references to two LMCT numbers that the company was not entitled to use and of any offers to sell motor cars to the public.