
FNP Pty Ltd and Grigoriy Trunov - Court action

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4 March 2013
Court actions

Melbourne Magistrates Court has restrained a building contractor and its director from entering into major domestic building contracts until 1 January 2016.

On 28 February, the court found that Moorabbin-based FNP Pty Ltd and its director, Grigioriy Trunov, had engaged in misleading and deceptive conduct.

They had falsely represented to a building surveyor, in October 2010 and May 2011, that FNP had constructed trench-deep retaining walls at a North Caulfield property in keeping with building permit requirements.

The court also found that FNP and Mr Trunov supplied goods and services that were materially different to those they had agreed to provide.

FNP and Mr Trunov are restrained until 2016 from:

  • entering into any major domestic building contracts
  • carrying out, supervising or managing any such work on behalf of anyone else, where Mr Trunov is nominated as a building practitioner on the building permit.

Further restrictions apply to Mr Trunov until 2021. He is restrained from representing or attempting to verify to an appointed building surveyor, that work has been performed in accordance with the:

  • Building Act 1993 or its regulations
  • relevant building contract or permit, including plans and specifications.

Mr Trunov cannot renew or apply for registration as a building practitioner under the Building Act 1993 until 2016.

The court also ordered the parties to pay total costs of $11,963.
