
Find Sports/Let's Roll - Public warning

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16 February 2024
News alerts Public warnings

Consumers are being warned about a sports and outdoor merchandise business which has previously been the subject of a public warning from our Director, and now appears to be selling its merchandise under a new name.

Last year, our Director issued a public warning to consumers about Find Sports, a retail marketing arm of Force Industries Pty Ltd (ACN 072 364 231).

CAV has information to suggest that Find Sports, a Dandenong South-based retailer which sells its products via findsports.com.au, is now also trading as the business Let’s Roll, under the company name Zylex Pty Ltd (ABN 74 671 542 322). Let’s Roll is a Richmond-based retailer and cafe that offers sporting goods in store and via the website letsroll.au.

Our Director’s warning was prompted by complaints to us from customers of Find Sports, alleging the business failed to:

  • supply goods in a timely manner, if at all;
  • provide refunds; and
  • respond to consumers.

Consumers should be aware of the association between Find Sports and Let’s Roll, and be cautious when buying sporting or outdoor goods from either business.

If you have had a negative experience as a customer of Find Sports or Let’s Roll, contact us.
