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Caravan park operators must give residents this guide on or before the day they move in. You can read more about renting guides at Resources and guides overview.
If the caravan park operator asks you to pay a bond:
- it must not be more than 28 days’ rent
- you must already have entered into a written residency agreement.
The operator must lodge the bond with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA) within 10 business days of receiving the bond. The RTBA will then send you a receipt. If you do not receive a receipt within 15 business days of making payment, you can .
Condition report
If you pay a bond, the caravan park operator must give you a condition report. They must fill in their part of the report, sign it and give you two copies (or one copy electronically) before you move in.
Inspect the caravan and add your own notes on its condition, including any damage. Take photos if you can. Give one copy of the completed, signed report to the operator within three days of moving in.
Important: Keep your copy of the condition report. You might need it if there is a dispute about who should pay for cleaning, damage, or replacement of missing items.
Rent increases
Your rent or hiring charge can only be increased once every 12 months. If you have not asked for additional services, the operator must give you at least 60 days’ notice of a rent increase. For more information visit Rent increases.
Extra fees and costs
In addition to rent or hiring charges, you may need to pay other charges. For example, for the supply or use of electricity, gas and water to the caravan. The operator must give you details of these charges at the start of your residency.
Repairs and maintenance
You are responsible for:
- maintaining your caravan in line with the general standards of the park, set by the park operator and provided to you in the park rules at the beginning of your occupancy
- following the caravan park rules.
The caravan park operator is responsible for:
- all repairs to the caravan and the underlying site
- repairs to communal park facilities
- keeping the park’s common areas, facilities, gardens, roadways, paths and recreation areas clean and safe
- garbage collection.
If you or your visitor cause damage to your caravan or a communal park facility or a site, you must either:
- repair the damage, or
- notify the park operator and pay compensation for the damage.
For more information on repairs, and links to relevant forms, visit Repairs.
Bond claims
Before you move out, you and the caravan park operator should:
- try to agree on how the bond will be finalised
- set out the agreed division in the bond claim form.
The operator can claim part or all of the bond for specific things, such as:
- damage caused by you or your visitors (but not fair wear and tear)
- cleaning expenses, if you have not left the property reasonably clean.
Only sign the bond claim form if it shows the amount you will receive.
If the operator agrees, the RTBA can release your bond up to 14 days before the end of your residency agreement.
If you cannot agree on the bond
You can submit a bond claim form to the RTBA. The RTBA will then contact the operator, who has 14 days to apply to the 桃色视频n Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) to dispute the claim.
If the operator does nothing, the RTBA will pay the bond to you.
If the operator applies to VCAT within 14 days after the residency agreement ends, VCAT can make an order about how the bond should be divided.
More information: Resolving bond disputes.
If a resident or their visitor is being violent or putting anyone in the park in danger, the operator can give that person a ‘Notice to Leave’ or an immediate ‘Notice to Vacate’. The person must then leave the park immediately.
The operator can also give a resident a 14-day ‘Notice to Vacate’ for serious threats or intimidation.
For more information visit Violent and dangerous behaviour – caravan parks.
For information on your renting rights if you are affected by family violence, visit Family violence when renting.
Caravan park owners must not unlawfully discriminate (or tell their agent to unlawfully discriminate) against you. For example, they must not discriminate against you because of your sex, age, disability, race or religion when deciding whether to rent you a caravan or site.
For more information, visit Unlawful discrimination.
Threat of eviction
An operator cannot evict you for exercising your legal rights or saying you will do so. They can only end your residency agreement for specific reasons. They must give you the required amount of notice and use the correct ‘Notice to vacate’ form.
If you are worried about getting a notice to vacate or getting evicted, contact us for information and advice.
Resident disputes
The Dispute Settlement Centre of 桃色视频 can hear disputes between residents and help them reach agreement. For more information, visit .
If your park has a residents committee, the committee may also be able to help resolve this type of dispute.
When to contact
Phone number |
Consumer Affairs 桃色视频
If you have questions about renting agreements, bonds, rent increases or repairs
If you are being evicted
1300 55 81 81
Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA)
To look up your bond, transfer a bond or arrange a bond refund
1300 137 164 |
桃色视频n Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT)
To apply for a hearing about a renting dispute
1300 01 8228
Tenants 桃色视频
If you need help from a support worker
03 9416 2577 |
桃色视频n Aboriginal Legal Service (VALS)
If you are an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person and need legal help
1800 064 865 |
Housing 桃色视频 (Department of Families, Fairness and Housing)
To apply for a bond loan
If you have nowhere to stay
1800 825 955
(24 hours)