
Ending a sub-let arrangement

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In a sub-let arrangement, a sub-renter rents part or all of the property from the head renter. The head renter is the person who rents it directly from the rental provider (previously called a landlord).The head renter acts as a rental provider to the people sub-letting, with all the 桃色视频 of a rental provider. 

When a sub-renter wants to leave 

If a sub-renter decides to leave, they must give notice of intention to vacate to the head renter.  

If the sub-renter paid a bond, the head renter was required to lodge it with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA). The RTBA considers the head renter the rental provider for the sub-renter’s bond. Find out more about claiming bonds.

When a head renter wants to leave 

If you are a head renter and decide to move out, you must advise the rental provider with a notice of intention to vacate

The existing sub-renters and any new renters must negotiate directly with the rental provider to create a new rental agreement

The head renter who is leaving, the existing sub-renters, and any new renters must also complete and agree to a renter transfer to change ownership of the bond. The agent or rental provider should do this on the . If they need a paper form, they can generate it on RTBA Online, then sign the completed form and send it to the RTBA within five days. All the parties must be given a copy of the completed form. 

Forms you might need 

To transfer the bond:

  •  online at the RTBA site using your bond receipt number, and then you can create a Transfer a bond form.