Overview of a claim initiated by the renter Skip listen and sharing tools In this guide: How a renter claims a private bond? How a renter claims a Homes 桃色视频 bond? What happens after a renter (tenant) initiated an electronic claim transaction? How does a renter check the status of an electronic claim initiated by the renter? How a renter can contest a pending bond claim initiated by another renter? How does a renter cancel an electronic bond claim once initiated? Renter: Identify the bond you are claiming. Authenticate who you are. Provide the bond claim details. RTBA sends a notification to the rental provider and other renters (if any) Rental provider or other renters (if any) Do not contest the bond claim. RTBA pays the claim to the initiating renter after 14 – 20 days. Or Contest the bond claim by providing a valid VCAT application number. On expiry of the notification period, RTBA cancels the claim as the matter will be decided by VCAT. Overview of claims initiated by the renter (Tenant-Initiated claim) process Back To Top