
Registered rental provider guide - How to view a claim initiated by the renter

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Viewing claims initiated by a renter 

You can access the transaction details in two ways.

Method 1.  Access transaction via Manage your Electronic Transactions module

1.Visit   and sign in to RTBA Online.

2. You will land on the default page of the ‘Manage your Electronic Transactions’ module.

3. To view a pending claim initiated by a renter, select the transaction number presented as a blue link in the list of ‘Tenant initiated claims’ (Figure 7).

Figure 7

4. You will see a ‘Transaction Summary – Tenant Initiated Claim’ screen (Figure 8).

Figure 8

5.  To view a successful or unsuccessful claim initiated by the tenant, go to the ‘Manage your electronic transactions’ tab. (Available for RTBA Online registered user level 2 or 3).

Method 2. Access transaction via Manage your bonds module

Note that all RTBA Online registered users (level 1, 2 and 3) can view the transaction with all statuses using this module.

1. Log into RTBA Online.
2. Select ‘Manage your bonds’.
3. Enter a bond number (or transaction number) and select the button ‘Search for bond’.
4. If bond number is entered, the bond summary screen will be presented. If the renter initiated claim is pending and has not expired, you can select the button ‘View claim details’ to access the transaction summary (Figure 9).
5. If the transaction number is entered, the transaction summary will be presented.

Figure 9 (An example of Bond Summary online when there is a pending Tenant Initiated Claim)