
Rent calculator

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Our rent calculator works out rent per day, week, fortnight, calendar month, 6-month period or year. It can help you work out if you can afford rent over time, and the rent you will owe if you move out part-way through a rent payment period.

Select the rent payment period and type in how much rent you pay for that period. The calculator will show how much the rent is for each of the other time periods.

Rent calculator

  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Fortnightly
  • Calendar monthly
  • 6 monthly
  • Yearly

rent is $

  • $  0.00
  • $  0.00
  • $  0.00
  • $  0.00
  • $  0.00
  • $  0.00

Note: The calendar monthly amount is calculated as 365 divided by 12 times the daily rent amount, rather than 4 times the weekly amount. Calculations are based on 365-day years, not leap years.

Disclaimer: This is a tool for your information. We took all reasonable care in preparing and designing this calculator, but we cannot provide any assurance that the calculations will suit or can be applied to your situation.

Rent increases

A rental provider (landlord) can increase the rent for their property, but there are rules they must follow. You can read more about: