
Changing renters' names on the bond

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When renters move in and out during a rental agreement (lease), they need to transfer the names on the rental agreement by telling the rental provider (landlord).

The rental provider must then update the bond by replacing the previous renter’s name with the new renter’s name. This must be done by completing a renter transfer with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority (RTBA).

This is important because to claim a bond at the end of a rental agreement, all renters named on the bond need to sign the bond claim form.

The RTBA does not manage the bond payments for renters moving in and out during an agreement. If a renter moves out during an agreement and needs to be repaid for the amount they contributed to the bond, they must make their own arrangements with the other renters for this to happen.

How to change renters’ names on the bond

Rental providers or property managers must complete the renter transfer with the RTBA. The RTBA will email all renters involved in the bond transfer/listed on the bond to confirm the transfer.


When all renters have email addresses, the transfer can be completed electronically through . Follow the property manager guide to transferring renters.

By post

We recommend renters create email addresses if they do not have them as transferring names online is faster than by post. To use a paper form:

  • enter the bond details on the RTBA Online homepage
  • select ‘Transfer this bond’ from the left-hand menu
  • select ‘Tenant transfer’ and enter in the details
  • once all details have been entered, select ‘Generate Form’. 

The form can then be printed, signed by the property manager or rental provider and all incoming, remaining and outgoing renters.

The completed form must be mailed to the RTBA, following the instructions on the form.

If a renter cannot be contacted

If a renter has moved out and their name is on the bond but they cannot be contacted, the RTBA will accept an order from , advising of changes to the renter names.