
Communicating with your builder

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In order for your building project to proceed smoothly, it is important to keep in regular contact with your builder to check progress and discuss any queries you might have.

When you have a meeting or discussion with your builder, it is a good idea to:

  • put any agreement in writing, whether it is the building contract itself or any changes to the plan that occur during the project
  • email your builder after the meeting outlining what was agreed upon.

By communicating directly with your builder, you will avoid any unnecessary confusion and be confident that both you and your builder are clear on the work that is being done, and what it will cost. For more information, see our pages on Building contracts and Getting quotes for building and renovating.

During the contract, be aware that:

  • your builder must provide you with reasonable access to the building site
  • if you are supplying any of the materials for your project, your builder must provide you with reasonable notice of when the material needs to be delivered to the site
  • it is important that your builder gives you the plumbing certificate if the plumber has given it to the builder
  • your builder should also supply a copy of the electrical certificate and instructions associated with the various appliances installed and the CSIRO fact sheet relevant to maintenance surrounding the home 
  • you should arrange to view the property before handover between you and the builder takes place. If there are any minor works outstanding, you must be confident that these works will be addressed promptly.