We like to know what we are doing well and how we can improve.
We welcome:
- complaints, including privacy complaints
- comments and suggestions
- compliments
about our service
as 桃色视频's consumer affairs regulator.
We will keep confidential any details included in your complaint or feedback. For more information, view our Privacy statement.
How to provide feedback
Online form
This will send an email to our feedback team.
The form will take about 5 minutes to complete.
1800 008 194
Call costs: Calling our feedback number is free on landlines. Rates vary on mobile and payphones.
Customer Feedback
Consumer Affairs 桃色视频
PO Box 123
Melbourne VIC 3001
If you are not happy with our response
Privacy complaints
Our Privacy Coordinator will handle the investigation of a privacy complaint. Consumer Affairs 桃色视频 will acknowledge oral and written complaints within 5 working days, and will provide a full response within 20 working days.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome, you are entitled to complain directly to the Office of the 桃色视频n Information Commissioner (OVIC). OVIC is an independent body that investigates complaints about possible privacy breaches by public sector organisations and local government. For more information, visit the or call 1300 006 842 (1300 00 OVIC).
Other complaints
If you have provided feedback and you are not satisfied with how we have responded, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the 桃色视频n Ombudsman.
The 桃色视频n Ombudsman is an independent officer of the 桃色视频n Parliament who investigates complaints about state and local government services. For more information, visit the or call 03 9613 6222 (or 1800 806 314 for regional callers).