
Scam quiz question descriptions

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This page provides full-length descriptions for images that appear in our Scam quiz.

Question 1: Investment scam

You receive a phone call. The caller says to you:

“Hi, my name is Brad. I’m calling from Spirit of Wealth Investments. I hope you’ve been having a good day!

We have a number of fantastic investment opportunities that I’d love to discuss – all guaranteed to give a high return. We’re also offering a special discount for customers who sign up today.”

Question 2: Rental scam

You receive an email in response to an enquiry you submitted about a rental property. The email says:

“Hi Sam,

Thanks for your interest in moving in to our rental property. It really is a nice apartment, isn’t it?

I’d love to show you around the place, but unfortunately I’m currently overseas. As you can imagine, we’re getting a lot of interest in the property. If you’d like to secure it, I’ll need you to pay your bond and first month’s rent upfront via an online transfer ($2,500 total), and then I’ll get the process started.

I’ve attached my account details, and some more wonderful images of the property. :)

Bruno Agios”

Question 3: Bank statement email

You receive an email, which appears to be from your bank. The email says:

“Your AusWealth Visa Online Statement


The latest statement for your AusWealth Visa credit card is now online. You can save or print a copy for your records.

  1. Login to AusWealth Online Banking – enter your Access Code and Password.
  2. Select your credit card account.
  3. Click on My Statements.

Need help?
If you have any questions or need assistance logging in, please call our Customer Service Centre on 1300 555 666, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Thank-you for saving paper by choosing to view your statement online.

Yours sincerely,
AusWealth Online Customer Service Team”

Question 4: Romance scam

You have been dating someone online for the last few months. They send you a message through your social media account, which says:

“Ive had so much fun talking to you over the last 2 months. I really want to start a life together, Im totally in love with you :)

unfortunately I was fired from my job yesterday. it was horrible, I really want to fly to meet you but I cant afford the flights right now. :(

I need you to send $2000 so I can pay for flights. Please, can you do this? I really want to see you, once were together things will be perfect!!!”

Question 5: Phone provider call

You receive the following phone call from phone provider:

“Hi Daniel, my name is Adam and I’m calling from Telnet. How are you?

Your $40 monthly contract ends soon. If you’d like to upgrade to a new phone, we can send you the paperwork.

Alternatively, you can visit us in-store to arrange it.”

Question 6: Keylogger scam

You receive the following social network message:


Check out this video I found of you – it’s hilarious!


Question 7: ATO scam

You receive a phone call. The caller says to you:

“Hi, this is Frank Johnson from the Australian Tax Office. You owe $825.70 in tax…

We will be proceeding with court action against you unless you pay the full amount immediately, either by bank transfer or using iTunes gift cards.”

Question 8: Betting company email

You receive an email from a betting website, where you have an existing account. The email says:

“Dear Brett,

Member ID: bretto1981

We are keen for you to stay as a member of betUwin, however you have not used your online account for almost 12 months.

To avoid your account being suspended, you must login to your betUwin online account before Friday 20 January 2017. Simply type our web address into your browser, or use a bookmark to access our site.

Contact us

Have questions? Our Customer Service Team is here to help you. Email support@betuwin.com.au, or phone 1300 555 666 8am – 5pm Monday to Saturday, and 8am – 2pm Sunday (AEST). If overseas, phone +61 3 9811 3344.


Joyce McKinlay
betUwin Online Manager”

Question 9: Phishing scam

You receive an email, which says:

“Dear ABL Bank customer,

Recently our customers have been the target of a large number of identity theft attempts.

To safeguard your account, we require you to confirm your online account details.

The process is mandatory – if you do not confirm your details within 5 days, we will suspend your online account as a safety measure.

To securely confirm your account details, please follow this link: https://www.ablbank.net.au/confirmdetails/login.html.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and for using the ABL bank.


ABL bank
Online Service Team”

Question 10: Computer repair scam

You receive a phone call. The caller says:

“Hi, I’m calling from PC Consumer Care. Your computer appears to have a serious issue…

…this is very urgent. I’ll need you to download some software immediately to fix the error.

Otherwise, you can give me remote access to your PC and I’ll fix it for you.”