
Secretary - incorporated associations

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Role of the secretary

In an incorporated association, the role of secretary includes:

  • lodging an annual statement with us within a month after the annual general meeting
  • applying to us to change association details such as name, address, roles or rules
  • notifying us of a special resolution to wind up the association or distribute its assets
  • dealing with requests to restrict access to information in the association's register of members
  • adding or removing delegates of the association

The secretary's role may differ according to the association's rules. The rules may allow the secretary to hold any other office within the association.

The secretary must:

  • agree to be the secretary
  • be at least 18 years old
  • live in Australia.

Using myCAV

Secretaries of incorporated associations must have an online myCAV account.

For more information on myCAV, go to myCAV for incorporated associations.

First secretary

When your association first incorporates, the person who lodges the application is deemed to be the secretary, unless the application states another person as the secretary.

If the association states another person is the secretary, the person who lodged the application becomes a delegate of the association and will need to create their own myCAV account.

The first secretary does not have to separately notify us of their appointment.

Changing the secretary's contact details

To update the secretary’s contact details, a secretary or delegate of an association must sign into their myCAV account.

To change the email address linked to your account email cav.registration@dgs.vic.gov.au

Changing the secretary

If a secretary leaves, your association must fill the vacancy within 14 days, using the process in its rules. If it is not practical to appoint a new secretary within 14 days, the association's committee must appoint a person to fill the role temporarily.

A newly appointed secretary will need to create their own myCAV account. The new secretary must update the secretary contact details recorded in myCAV. Departing secretaries will no longer have access to myCAV.