Create a myCAV account to register to incorporate an association
Create a myCAV account
Incorporate an association
Read the information on Register as an incorporated association.
(model rules)
(own rules)
Incorporate an association (migration from another registered body)
Contact us
(model rules)
(own rules)
Lodge annual statement with Consumer Affairs 桃色视频
Read the information on Lodging an annual statement.
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Lodge financial statements at annual general meeting
Note: no longer required to be lodged with Consumer Affairs 桃色视频; secretary to retain with minutes of meeting
Schedule 1, Regulation 18, 19 and 20, Form 1 (Word, 25KB)
Confirm lodgement of financial statements at annual general meeting
Note: no longer required to be lodged with Consumer Affairs 桃色视频; secretary to retain with minutes of meeting
Submission of financial statements to annual general meeting (Word, 24KB)
Extend time for holding annual general meeting or lodging annual statement
Application for extension of time to hold an annual general meeting or lodge financial statements (Word, 147KB)
Change address details
Read the information on Update incorporated association details.
Change secretary
Read the information on Update incorporated association details.
Change secretary contact details
Read the information on Update incorporated association details.
Change name of incorporated association
Read the information on Update incorporated association details.
Change rules (including purpose, financial year end date or adopting model rules)
Read the information on Incorporated association rules.
Cancel incorporation
Application for cancellation of incorporation (Word, 127KB)
Voluntarily wind-up incorporated association (generally for associations with assets more than $10,000)
Application for cancellation of incorporation (Word, 127KB)
These associations also need to complete forms from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). For more information, view the Voluntary winding up section on Cancel, wind up or amalgamate.
Amalgamate incorporated associations
Application to amalgamate incorporated associations (Word, 369KB)
(model rules)
(own rules)