
Fundraising beneficiaries

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A beneficiary is a person or group who will receive money or other benefits from your fundraising activities. 

It is important that you identify your beneficiary clearly when you apply to register via myCAV. This information will appear on the public register and will give the public confidence in donating to your appeal.

When applying for registration, you must provide one of the following:

  • The name of every person or organisation that will benefit from the fundraising appeal. You must also attach a completed Beneficiary consent form (Word, 66KB) to your application in myCAV.
  • A description of a group of beneficiaries who share common characteristics. This is acceptable when individual names are not available. You must attach a detailed description of the group. For example, identifying 'orphaned and disadvantaged children' as a group of beneficiaries is not sufficient. You would need to identify a specific orphanage that cares for children, or specific programs for disadvantaged children in a particular locality or region.
  • A description of the cause for which the appeal is to be conducted. This is acceptable when the appeal is not being conducted for the immediate direct benefit of one or more people. For example, an appeal for funds for medical research.

You can name yourself as a beneficiary. If you name yourself as the sole beneficiary, we will examine your application to determine if the fundraising is in the public interest.

Commercial fundraisers that raise funds on behalf of other fundraisers should:

  • name as a beneficiary each principal fundraiser they have an agreement with, and
  • state the percentage of funds each will receive.