
Non-client services - Financial Counselling Program

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Outreach is an optional non-casework activity (except for the National Debt Helpline where it is specified). It is capped at 15% of the funded annual service hours.

Outreach services target those who are most vulnerable and disadvantaged and who would otherwise be unlikely to access financial counselling services. Outreach services should directly link to casework outcomes by promoting access to financial counselling services.

Outreach activities can be:

  • Meeting with other agencies to enhance their capacity to refer clients that meet the financial disadvantage and vulnerable criteria to financial counselling services.
  • Establishing effective referral pathways and procedures to enable those who are most financially.disadvantaged and vulnerable access to financial counselling.
  • Establishing the delivery of financial counselling services in targeted vulnerable communities e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, offenders, family violence victims.
  • Providing financial counselling advice to non-financial counsellor case workers about a client’s matter.

In addition, agencies can use the outreach hours to record the travel time to:

  • outpost service areas to provide financial counselling casework
  • agencies to provide outreach activities.

National Debt Helpline outreach

Outreach services provided by the National Debt Helpline are not optional. Consumer Action Law Centre is required to provide an outreach service to the Melbourne Magistrate’s Court for an average of 1 day per week, for a maximum of 15 per cent of their funded annual service hours.

The purpose of the service is to:

  • liaise with and advise the Court Integrated Service Program (CISP) team
  • be available to assist clients attending the Magistrates’ Court Special Circumstances List for initial advice on financial counselling matters
  • facilitate appropriate and timely referrals to community-based agencies for face-to-face casework.