
Interagency casework referrals - Financial Counselling Program

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From time to time agencies may need to refer to another financial counselling agency.

Referrals from National Debt Helpline to community agencies

The National Debt Helpline will make regular referrals to community agencies if a client requires face-to-face assistance and/or extended casework.

Referrals from the National Debt Helpline must be made using the Sample email referral of a client from the National Debt Helpline to community agency template (Word, 59KB).

Referrals between community agencies

Community agencies will also make interagency referrals if a client requests an agency other than the one they have contacted because of:

  • privacy issues
  • conflict of interest
  • proximity to work
  • residing in another service area and needing ongoing financial counselling.

Interagency casework referrals must be made using the Sample email referral of a client between community agencies template (Word, 60KB).

Interagency referral procedures for all agencies

  • The referring agency will send the client an acknowledgement letter or email as confirmation of consent to activate a referral. Download the Sample email to client to confirm referral arrangements template (Word, 32KB).
  • The agency receiving the referral will acknowledge receipt of the referral within one working day.
  • All agencies will use a central referral intake email address for their service area that should be checked at least twice a day.
  • The agency receiving the referral is required to accept the referral and to commence casework according to the eligibility, urgency, and priority given to the client by the referring agency
  • If the agency receiving the referral is unable to contact the client and has made at least three attempts, they should notify the agency that made the referral in case the client calls the referring agency again. (Please note: it is preferable to send a text message rather than a voice message, as clients do not always have enough phone credit to access voicemails).

The Financial Counselling Program agency information database will hold up to date details of each agencies referral contact details. National Debt Helpline will maintain the database and each agency will be responsible for updating their contact details. If you require the contact details to make an interagency referral contact penelope@consumeraction.org.au.

It should be noted that all interagency referrals will be based on the client’s postcode. In the database, postcodes which cover more than one service area have been arbitrarily allocated to a single service area.

You will occasionally be required to make an interagency referral if the allocated service is inconvenient for the client.