The Motor Car Traders Claims Committee is a statutory committee established under section 57 of the Motor Car Traders Act 1986.
The function of the committee is to consider and determine claims made against the Motor Car Traders Guarantee Fund.
The committee does not have the power to:
- investigate complaints about motor car traders
- conciliate disputes between consumers and motor car traders
- take enforcement action against motor car traders.
To lodge a claim against a motor car trader, complete the form on Compensation claims - motor cars.
Membership of the committee
The committee is made up of:
- A chairperson, who must be an Australian lawyer of at least 5 years’ standing
- At least one member with experience in the business of motor car trading
- At least one member that represents the interests of consumers.
Claims must be determined according to the opinion of a majority of the members present at a committee meeting.
The committee’s members currently include:
Richard Besley |
Chairperson |
Belinda Sheean
Member (Motor car trading experience)
Stephen Beckwith
Member (Motor car trading experience)
Emma Felman
Member (Consumer representative)
David Niven
Member (Consumer representative)
Privacy statement
The committee is committed to responsible and fair handling of personal information, consistent with the Information Privacy Principles set out in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.
Why information is collected
The committee needs to collect sufficient information to be satisfied there is a statutory ground for admitting a claim. Insufficient information about a claim may affect the outcome.
The committee only collects information that is necessary to determine claims.
Types of information collected
The committee usually requires information to:
- identify the person making the claim
- identify the motor car trader the claim is made against
- identify the motor vehicle that is the subject of the claim
- set out the facts leading to the claim.
The committee collects information in writing (through relevant forms and documents) and over the telephone.
Who information is collected from and disclosed to
The committee initially collects information from the person making a claim. On receipt of a claim, the committee provides a copy of it to the motor car trader the claim is made against, and asks them to provide information, submissions and copies of relevant documents in response.
The committee will aim to explain why it is collecting information and what it will do with it.
The committee may also provide information to:
- the Business Licensing Authority (licenses motor car traders)
- Consumer Affairs 桃色视频 (regulates the Motor Car Traders Act 1986)
- VicRoads (maintains motor vehicle registration and security interest registration records)
- the police (if, for example, a vehicle that is the subject of a claim is a stolen vehicle)
- other motor car traders with relevant dealings with the vehicle that is the subject of the claim
- finance companies (if, for example, the claim involves payments that were, or should have been, made to the financier).
While the committee will usually only use information to determine a claim - it may occasionally be required to provide personal information to other State or Commonwealth agencies.
Looking after information
Information is stored in hard copy documents and files or electronically in the committee's computer system. The committee aims to protect any personal information that it holds against misuse, loss, or unauthorised access or disclosure.
Access to information and privacy complaints
Contact the committee's Privacy Coordinator to seek access to, or the correction of, personal information, or for any complaints regarding privacy.
For other matters, contact the Secretary.
Postal address
The Secretary
Motor Car Traders Claims Committee
GPO Box 322
Melbourne VIC 3001
1300 13 54 52
Calling this number costs the same as a local call. Additional charges may apply if you are calling from overseas, on a mobile or payphone.
Interpreter services
Interpreter services are available from 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday (except public holidays). For advice and information in languages other than English, call 131 450 and say the English name of your language. Then ask the interpreter to call 1300 13 54 52.