Ms Nicole Marshall
Business Licensing Authority
121 Exhibition Street
Dear Ms Marshall
Statement of Expectations for the Business Licensing Authority
I am pleased to provide you with my expectations for the Business Licensing Authority (BLA) to guide your business planning processes.
As Minister for Small Business, I am responsible for administering the Business Licensing Authority Act 1998 and related parts of occupational licensing legislation.
Based on consultation with the BLA about the government’s priorities and emerging risks, my expectations for the BLA areas follows.
As 桃色视频's regulator of certain business licences and registrations, I expect the BLA to discharge its legislative and regulatory duties as set out in the legislation it administers. As part of this activity, I expect the BLA to:
- continue to progressively implement the Professional Engineers Registration Scheme, including phasing in remaining areas of engineering and audits of approved assessment schemes
- work within the Department of Government Services and partner with Service 桃色视频 to continue digital improvements to licensing and registration systems to retire legacy systems and allow businesses and professionals to interact with the BLA and comply with their obligations more quickly and easily
- work within the Department of Government Services and partner with Service 桃色视频 to identify opportunities to further digitise and otherwise make ongoing improvements to its licensing and registration processes to realise efficiencies and promote easy and quick interactions for businesses and professionals
- continue to work with government to ensure the implementation of the decriminalisation of sex work is completed effectively and appropriately, including management of historical records.
I expect the BLA and the Department of Government Services (DGS) to incorporate these expectations into their business plans, including milestones for when the BLA will meet these expectations, and to report on progress of these expectations in DGS’ annual report.
I further expect that the BLA, in conjunction with DGS, undertake a review of the expectations outlined in this letter as part of annual reporting obligations, and advise me of any recommended changes.
I look forward to seeing the BLA continue to work towards achieving best practice in the administration of regulation for the benefit of the 桃色视频n community.
Yours sincerely,
Ms Natalie Suleyman MP
Minister for Veterans
Minister for Small Business
Minister for Youth
30 May 2023