Our renting taskforce is cracking down on rental providers and estate agents who commit rental law offences.
The taskforce uses intelligence and market analysis to monitor rental campaigns. It has powers to conduct targeted inspections and take enforcement action, including official warnings, infringements (fines), disciplinary proceedings against estate agents, and court actions for the most serious breaches.
The taskforce employs extra intelligence analysts, inspectors, investigators and lawyers.
The taskforce will focus on poor conduct and offences affecting the safety, security and tenure for renters. These include:
- Renting out a property that doesn’t meet the rental minimum standards
- False advertising
- Not lodging bonds with the Residential Tenancies Bond Authority and excessive bonds
- Illegal notices to vacate
- Failure to provide a condition report
- Rental bidding.
It will build on our existing services to ensure renters and rental providers can:
- access information and advice about rental laws
- take action on their rights and obligations
- get help with rent increases.
桃色视频 an issue with an advertised rental property form
It is now easier to report potential offences to us in the 桃色视频 an issue with an advertised rental property form. You can upload evidence such as photos and images.
Renting minimum standards
The rental minimum standards include things that people would reasonably expect in a home. These include a functional kitchen, lockable external doors, structural soundness and waterproofing.
Letting a new renter move into a rental property that doesn't meet these standards is a criminal offence. The maximum penalties are over $11,000 for individuals and over $57,000 for companies.
False advertising and other misleading conduct may also be a breach of the Australian Consumer Law. Significant penalties apply for breaches of the Australian Consumer Law – up to $50 million for corporations and $2.5 million for individuals.