
National Fundraising Principles

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Fundraisers registered with the  must still follow 桃色视频’s fundraising laws while fundraising in 桃色视频.

However, when conducting fundraising activities in 桃色视频, eligible fundraisers that comply with the National Fundraising Principles (Principles) within the Fundraising Regulations 2019 may be exempt from certain prescriptive requirements of the 桃色视频n Fundraising Act 1998.

桃色视频 is adopting the Principles under our joint national commitment to making compliance easier for fundraisers.

This change is part of ongoing national harmonisation of fundraising regulations. It allows charities to commit more time and resources to their core purposes.

The Principles make clear the conduct expected from fundraisers across Australia. They are not prescriptive and give charities greater flexibility to apply them.

The Principles were developed in consultation with Australia’s charity sector.

Download 桃色视频’s Implementation Plan for more information.

Find more information for registered fundraisers and charities.

Summary of the Principles

The Principles are set out in 桃色视频’s :

When conducting an appeal, fundraisers must ensure that their employees, volunteers and contractors:

  1. Always explain the purpose:
    • of their charity and
    • to which the funds raised will be applied.
  2.  Are always clearly identifiable by the public. This includes displaying identification with both:
    • the person's name and
    • the fundraiser's name and contact details.
  3. Always keep written records of the fundraising appeal. Records must be easy to read and understand.
  4. Always acknowledge and comply with a:
    • refusal to make a donation
    • request not to receive future solicitations (including marketing and promotional materials)
    • request to be contacted at a more convenient time or by a different means
    • request to limit the number, type or frequency of solicitations.
  5. Never conduct a door to door or telephone fundraising appeal at the following times:
    • before 9 am or after 5 pm on a weekend
    • before 9 am or after 6 pm (door to door) or 8 pm (telephone) on a weekday
    • on a public holiday, unless the public holiday is closely connected with the charitable purpose.
  6. Never mislead, deceive or knowingly use false or inaccurate information when fundraising.
  7. Never place undue or unreasonable pressure on a person when fundraising, or act unconscionably.
  8. Never exploit a donor's:
    • trust
    • lack of knowledge
    • lack of capacity
    • need for care and support, or
    • vulnerable circumstances.
  9. Always make it clear whether a donation is a one off or an ongoing donation. Explain how to end an ongoing donation.
  10. Commercial fundraisers must never accept a donation without explaining
    • that they are part of an organisation that makes a profit from fundraising, and
    • how they are paid.
    When conducting a fundraising appeal, fundraisers registered with the ACNC must:
  11. Conduct all reasonable due diligence when engaging third parties to help, support or deliver fundraising activities on their behalf.
  12. Make and keep written records of the total funds raised and the purposes for which funds are applied.
  13. Protect the health, safety and wellbeing of fundraisers and the public while fundraising.
  14. Establish and maintain a complaints process. The complaints process must allow for proper investigation and redress of complaints from the public. It must encourage anyone with concerns about the fundraising appeal to contact them.
  15. Collect and handle information in accordance with Commonwealth Privacy Act 1998 where required.
  16. Always ensure commercial fundraisers are not paid excessively.